Gestures API
Detailed listing of all gesture related features of Svelte Motion. A lot of the wording is directly copied from framer-motion, Copyright (c) 2018 Framer B.V. MIT License.
"x" | "y"
boolean | number | Partial<BoundingBox2D >
onDragStart?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo ) => void
Callback function that fires when dragging starts.onDragEnd?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo ) => void
Callback function that fires when dragging ends.onDrag?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo ) => void
Callback function that fires when the component is dragged.onDirectionLock?: (axis: "x" | "y") => void
Callback function that fires a drag direction is determined.onDragTransitionEnd?: () => void
Callback function that fires when drag momentum/bounce transition finishes.
interface extends DragHandlers
drag?: boolean | "x" | "y"
Enable dragging for this element. Set to `false` by default.
Set `true` to drag in both directions.
Set `"x"` or `"y"` to only drag in a specific direction.whileDrag?: [#VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition
Properties or variant label to animate to while the drag gesture is recognised.dragDirectionLock?: boolean
If `true`, this will lock dragging to the initially-detected direction. Defaults to `false`.dragPropagation?: boolean
Allows drag gesture propagation to child components. Set to `false` by default.dragConstraints?: false | Partial<BoundingBox2D > | Node
Applies constraints on the permitted draggable area.
It can accept an object of optional `top`, `left`, `right`, and `bottom` values, measured in pixels.
This will define a distance the named edge of the draggable component.
Alternatively, it can accept an element node created by bind:this directive.
This `ref` should be passed both to the draggable component's `dragConstraints` prop, and the `ref`
of the component you want to use as constraints.dragElastic?: DragElastic
The degree of movement allowed outside constraints. 0 = no movement, 1 =
* full movement.
* Set to `0.5` by default. Can also be set as `false` to disable movement.
* By passing an object of `top`/`right`/`bottom`/`left`, individual values can be set
* per constraint. Any missing values will be set to `0`.dragMomentum?: boolean
Apply momentum from the pan gesture to the component when dragging
* finishes. Set to `true` by default.dragTransition?: InertiaOptions
Allows you to change dragging inertia parameters.
When releasing a draggable Motion, an animation with type `inertia` starts. The animation is based on your dragging velocity. This property allows you to customize it.
See inertia for all properties you can use.dragControls?: DragControls
Usually, dragging is initiated by pressing down on a component and moving it. For some
use-cases, for instance clicking at an arbitrary point on a video scrubber, we
might want to initiate dragging from a different component than the draggable one.
By creating a `dragControls` using the useDragControls hook, we can pass this into
the draggable component's `dragControls` prop. It exposes a `start` method
that can start dragging from pointer events on other components.dragListener?: boolean
By default, if `drag` is defined on a component then an event listener will be attached
to automatically initiate dragging when a user presses down on it.
By setting `dragListener` to `false`, this event listener will not be created.onMeasureDragConstraints?: (constraints: BoundingBox2D ) => BoundingBox2D | void
If `dragConstraints` is set to a React ref, this callback will call with the measured drag constraints._dragX?, _dragY?: MotionValue <number>
Usually, dragging uses the layout project engine, and applies transforms to the underlying VisualElement.
Passing MotionValues as _dragX and _dragY instead applies drag updates to these motion values.
This allows you to manually control how updates from a drag gesture on an element is applied.
{ point: Point2D }
whileFocus?: VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition
Properties or variant label to animate to while the focus gesture is recognised.
whileHover?: VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition
Properties or variant label to animate to while the hover gesture is recognised.onHoverStart?: (event: MouseEvent, info: EventInfo ) => void
onHoverEnd?: (event: MouseEvent, info: EventInfo ) => void
Partial<Omit<Inertia ,'velocity' | 'type'>>
All or parts of Inertia props, except 'velocity' and 'type'
onPan?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo ) => void
Callback function that fires when the pan gesture is recognised on this element.
**Note:** For pan gestures to work correctly with touch input, the element needs
touch scrolling to be disabled on either x/y or both axis with the
touch-action CSS rule.onPanStart?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo ) => void
Callback function that fires when the pan gesture begins on this element.onPanSessionStart?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: EventInfo ) => void
Callback function that fires when we begin detecting a pan gesture. This
is analogous to `onMouseStart` or `onTouchStart`.onPanEnd?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo ) => void
Callback function that fires when the pan gesture ends on this element.
Passed in to pan event handlers like `onPan` the `PanInfo` object contains
information about the current state of the tap gesture such as its
`point`, `delta`, `offset` and `velocity`.
point: Point2D
Contains `x` and `y` values for the current pan position relative
to the device or Point2D
Contains `x` and `y` values for the distance moved since
the last event.offset: Point2D
Contains `x` and `y` values for the distance moved from
the first pan event.velocity: Point2D
Contains `x` and `y` values for the current velocity of the pointer, in px/ms.
onTap?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: TapInfo ) => void
Callback when the tap gesture successfully ends on this element.onTapStart?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: TapInfo ) => void
Callback when the tap gesture starts on this element.onTapCancel?: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: TapInfo ) => void
Callback when the tap gesture ends outside this element.whileTap?: VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition
Properties or variant label to animate to while the component is pressed.
{ point: Point2D }
Contains `x` and `y` values for the tap gesture relative to the device or page.
SvelteComponent<Props: UseDomEventProps ,Events: {}, Slots:{default:{}}>
Attaches an event listener directly to the provided DOM element.
Bypassing Sveltes's event system can be desirable, for instance when attaching non-passive event handlers.
ref: {current:Node} | VisualElement<EventTarget>
Ref object that's been provided to the element you want to bind the listener to.eventName: string
Name of the event you want listen for.handler?: EventListener
Function to fire when receiving the event.options?: AddEventListenerOptions
Options to pass to `Event.addEventListener ` .